This page has been moved to FSFE docs
#acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert
This section contains an overview of the services run by teams of the FSFE. Most services are based on volunteers so please support them if you can!
How to get access to these services
- Most of FSFE's online services use a common account database. If you don't have an FSFE username and password yet and want one, contact the coordinator of your team.
This is a short overview of some of the FSFE's services. There are a many more, mostly used internally. A full list is available here. If you have questions about any of these services, reach out to the team running it.
Public services that can be used by anyone and/or everyone with an FSFE account:
Blogs - System for personalised blogs for every user (run by Teams/Blog-Hackers)
Discourse - An online forum with open registration for discussions (run by Teams/System-Hackers) web pages - Our main web pages (run by Teams/Web)
Git - GIT server using Gitea (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
IRC - The FSFE uses channel #fsfe on Libera Chat (moderated by @repentinus and @mxmehl)
Mailing lists - Mailing lists with Mailman (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
Planet - Aggregates blog entries from the community into a single portal (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
Sengi - A web interface to manage multiple fediverse accounts
SMTP - Mail forwarding for and outgoing SMTP relay (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
Wiki - The one you're browsing
(run by WikiCaretakers)
XMPP/Jabber - Our de facto standard communication method (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
And some services which are rather used internally or for select teams:
Limesurvey - A web service to create surveys (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
Mastodon - FSFE's mastodon account (run by schiessle and max.mehl)
Nextcloud - Nextcloud used by central team members (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
OfficeBackup - Backup solution for the FSFE office (run by Teams/System-Hackers)
Ticket system - OTRS, our main contact point for all FSFE communication (run by System-Hackers)
A full list also containing backend services is available here.
Technical Processes for System Hackers
Here are tutorials on specific procedures and tasks for the FSFE's system hackers. On the Systems page you will find a detailed look on complex interconnected systems.