Using the FSFE download-server
The FSFE offers a download server on In comparison to our Git, this is perfect for large files like videos, documents, pictures and other data. Volunteers can request write access to store FSFE-related data there.
ATTENTION: Unlike the FSFE website, the download server is not version-controlled. If you modify or delete something, it's not trivial or even impossible to recover the file. So please be extra careful. Also, do not simply rename or delete files as they might be linked from various places.
First Steps
First of all you will have to create a ssh-key for your user. You can do this with the command keygen. For more information on ssh-key please have a look here. For an instruction on how to generate and use your ssh-key you can also check out the explanation: First steps with git.
Please write an email asking for access to the download-server to us.
- You will need to provide your public ssh-key. For this:
- open your terminal type: "cd ~/.ssh" (This command changes directories. You will now be in the folder .ssh in your home folder. For a more detailed explanation type: "man cd" in your terminal.)
- Next type: "ls"
You will now see the file This is your public key. Please do never ever in any case under any circumstances publish any other file from this folder. The id_rsa is your private ssh-key. And as the name says it is private as private data.
- As soon as someone uploaded your public ssh-key you will be able to access To do this follow the steps below.
Uploading and Downloading Files
There a several ways how to connect to a SFTP server. In all cases, we connect to the user download on the server via the port 10222.
Command Line
Please check if you already followed the steps above.
- Open a terminal.
Type: sftp -P 10222
- Now you can transfer files from your local machine to
For an explanation on how to use sftp (SSH Secure File Transfer Protocol) have a look here. For further reading on sftp have a look here.
Graphical interfaces
You can use your file manager or special applications to connect to the SFTP server. This might be useful for you if you do not like working with the command line or want to make larger operations. Also, renaming and deleting files is usually simpler this way.
The login data is basically always the same:
Port: 10222
User: download
- Password: leave empty, you will use your SSH key
Protocol: SFTP or SSH
File managers
Using Nautilus: Go to "Other Locations". There you will see the line: Connect to Server. Type s and click on connect. If your computer does not refer you to the correct location for all download files, it's in /srv/download.
gFTP is a simple graphical interface for accessing remote servers. In order to connect to the Download server, just type in the server, port, user and protocol in the connection bar at the top. Press the computer/network symbol on the left. When you are asked for a password, leave it empty and continue. gFTP should be clever enough to choose the correct SSH key.
Filezilla is an easy-to-use GUI for connecting via FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Unfortunately, the format of the private key has to be converted first. In order to do that, select your private SSH key (e.g. id_rsa for the Key file field. You will then best given the chance to covert it to the PuTTY format. Save the resulting file also in the ~/.ssh folder, e.g. with the name id_rsa.ppk.
Here is some documentation that may help you.
The settings for this connection must be: Protocol: SFTP / Host: / Port: 10222 / Logon Type: Key file / User: download / Key file: (select the converted key file). It could look like this.