
Text Formatting

Basic markup

  • ''italic'': italic

  • '''bold''': bold

  • `monospace`: monospace

  • {{{code}}}: code

  • __underline__: underline

  • ^super^script: superscript

  • ,,sub,,script: subscript

  • ~-smaller-~: smaller

  • ~+larger+~: larger

  • --(stroke)--: stroke

  • [[#Linking|Link to somewhere]]: Link to somewhere


Indent with one whitepace.

 indented text
  text indented to the 2nd level
  • indented text
    • text indented to the 2nd level

Horizontal rule

Just 4 or more dashes in a row will produce a nice separator.


look, how nicely this separates.


= heading 1st level =
== heading 2nd level ==
=== heading 3rd level ===
==== heading 4th level ====
===== heading 5th level =====

Table of contents:

Table of contents (up to 2nd level headings only):

View the result: /SyntaxExamples#Headings


Moinwiki offers a quick way to insert some Icons:

{1} {1}

{2} {2}

{2} {3}

{*} {*}

{o} {o}

{OK} - {OK}

(./) ./

{X} {X}

{i} {i}

(!) (!)

/!\ /!\

<!> <!>

It will also turn Text Smileys into graphics. See: /SyntaxExamples#Icons


Linking to Wiki pages

  • Words with IncludedCapitals will automatically be turned into Wiki links. - e.g. FrontPage

  • Pages not named that way, can be put it in [[Double Brackets]]: Fellows

  • This way you can give a link text too, e.g. [[Fellows|Home Pages]]: Home Pages

  • or you can link to a paragraph on the same page: [[#anchorname]] - #anchorname

  • page names can be relative to the current page: /SubPage, ../SiblingPage - /SubPage, ../SiblingPage

  • If a page has an attachment, you can link to it directly: [[attachment:filename.txt]] - filename.txt

Prevent Automatic Linking

  • Use the  {{{CodeBraces }}} notation to prevent words from becoming links: CodeBraces


Listings are marked by a space a star and another space at the beginning of a line. Prepending additional spaces will indent the list and create a sublist.

Instead of the star, markers can be used to enable an enumeration.

Unordered Lists

 * item 1

 * item 2 (preceding white space)
  * item 2.1
   * item 2.1.1
 * item 3
  . item 3.1 (bulletless)
 . item 4 (bulletless)
  * item 4.1
   . item 4.1.1 (bulletless)
  • item 1
  • item 2 (preceding white space)
    • item 2.1
      • item 2.1.1
  • item 3
    • item 3.1 (bulletless)
  • item 4 (bulletless)
    • item 4.1
      • item 4.1.1 (bulletless)

Ordered Lists

with Numbers

 1. item 1
   1. item 1.1
   1. item 1.2
 1. item 2
  1. item 1
    1. item 1.1
    2. item 1.2
  2. item 2

with Roman Numbers

 I. item 1
   i. item 1.1
   i. item 1.2
 I. item 2
  1. item 1
    1. item 1.1
    2. item 1.2
  2. item 2

with Letters

 A. item A
   a. item A. a)
   a. item A. b)
 A. item B
  1. item A
    1. item A. a)
    2. item A. b)
  2. item B

Definition Lists

Definition lists assign definitions to terms. They can be used for dictionaries and have some other functions, e.g. when setting up events.

 term:: definition
 :: description 1
 :: description 2
description 1
description 2


Simply separate table cells with two bars:

||1      ||2      ||3      ||

You can also have single cells span multiple lines or rows, control the relative width of a row, or have coloured cells. See /SyntaxExamples#Tables








Macros and Variables


see: HelpOnMacros

  • <<Anchor(anchorname)>> inserts a link anchor anchorname

  • <<BR>> inserts a hard line break

  • <<FootNote(Note)>> inserts a footnote saying Note

  • <<Include(HelpOnMacros/Include)>> inserts the contents of the page HelpOnMacros/Include inline

  • <<MailTo(user AT example DOT com)>> obfuscates the email address to users not logged in


see: HelpOnVariables

  • @SIG@ inserts your login name and timestamp of modification

  • @TIME@ inserts date and time of modification

Verbatim Display

Putting text in threefold braces will display it verbatim. If you want to display source code that contains groups of braces itself, you can also wrap with four or five braces, or more, until it fits.

def hello():
    print "Hello World!"

def hello():
    print "Hello World!"

Syntax Highlighting

You can point out a parser, e.g. for syntax highlighting.

{{{#!highlight python
def hello():
    print "Hello World!"


Toggle line numbers
   1 def hello():
   2     print "Hello World!"

Using the wiki parser with css classes

{{{#!wiki red/solid
This is wiki markup in a '''div''' with __css__ `class="red solid"`.

This is wiki markup in a div with css class="red solid".


see: HelpOnAdmonitions

{{{#!wiki caution
'''Don't overuse admonitions'''

Admonitions should be used with care. A page riddled with admonitions will look restless and will be harder to follow than a page where admonitions are used sparingly.

Don't overuse admonitions

Admonitions should be used with care. A page riddled with admonitions will look restless and will be harder to follow than a page where admonitions are used sparingly.


see: HelpOnComments

Click on "Comments" in edit bar to toggle the /* comments */ visibility.

Click on "Comments" in edit bar to toggle the visibility.

{{{#!wiki comment/dotted
This is a wiki parser section with class "comment dotted" (see HelpOnParsers).

Its visibility gets toggled the same way.

TechDocs/Wiki/MoinWikiSyntax (last edited 2017-06-19 05:59:22 by max.mehl)