BorgBase repositories
This page has been moved to with the rest of the sysadmin documentation.
We use BorgBase for backups of our staff members. They are asked to follow the OfficeBackUp guide and will therefore at one point contact the System Hackers.
Users who want to have a new backup repository shall provide the following information:
- Public SSH key
- Included and excluded directories
Create repository
We create the backup repository and send the user a borgmatic configuration file. Follow these steps:
Log in on using the credentials. They are available in our shared password store
Go to Account > SSH Keys and add the user's key
Go to the Repositories tab and click New Repo
Use the user's FSFE username as repository name, select their key for full access, and make sure the server location is EU
- Left of the new repository, click the copy symbol to copy the remote repository path
Send information
Now, we send the user the necessary information:
Take the borgmatic's config template and fill in the hostname and the included/excluded repositories. Save it as config.yaml. Do not replace the password obviously
Reply to the user's email with the following text, and attach the config.yaml file:
Hello, I have created your remote backup storage. Attached you will find the borgmatic configuration file config.yaml. You can now continue with finalising your backup setup, following the guide on