Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2022-01-26 20:00 CET
- End
- 23:10
- Location
- On FSFE conference server (send email to Nico Rikken to get login details)
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
- Bjorn
- Maarten (Open Nederland / Creative Commons Nederland)
- Nico
- André
- Rijk
Discussion points / Agenda + minutes
Agenda + Minutes
- Introductions
- Maarten
- website Algemene Zaken ( , no link to the Creative Commons license in place, so not compliant. Have worked to get them into compliance.
- Website of department of defense has now become CC-BY-SA as well.
- Maarten
(Sam) Week of Digital Ethics in The Hague:
- 24 - 28 jan
- Code for NL: working on Algorithm register
- Free Software not a subject in this week
- MS Teams is necessary for participiation.
Rijksoverheid uses WebEx and most local governments use MS Teams.
- How to get a hosted videoconferencing solution as a smaller organization? Perhaps through services offered by hosting parties:
- (Nico) Court cases update
- Court case Debat Direct by Jos
- Might be interesting to consider the free software components used by the app and asks the app top comply with the licenses. For MIT that involves providing copyright information for example.
- Comparable in field of open content, working to remove restricitions on the use of content from the parliament (Tweede Kamer).
- (Nico): Update court case X-Ray software Daniel
- Court case was held at Bestuursrechter, with no clear preference in the hearing itself.
Plea by Daniel:
- (Nico): Update FoI request code OSV software Kiesraad
- OSV software used to get statistics for election results
- Might be interesting for Open State Foundation as they collect data from elections already.
- Contact at Open State Foundation: Serv Wiemers
- Court case Debat Direct by Jos
- FSFE activities in general
Besides policy activities: Next Generation Internet NGI, Horizon 20 project. REUSE tool for compliance of those projects
- Activities in Belgium?
- Wikimedia België, Open Knowledge Foundation.
Positives: hosting: also
(André): Diensten Nubo are now available,
- Wikimedia België, Open Knowledge Foundation.
- (Nico): Update Onderwijscoalitie
- Joined a meeting. A statement is in the final stages and things are becoming more concrete.
- Tips by Maarten: (Ron Zuijlen) (Jan Bart de Vreede)
(Nico): Petition about Public Broadcasting Union (NPO) publishing some content only on YouTube
- (Nico): Update FSFE Coordinators meeting
- Regular meeting was held to agree the plans for this year.
- This year no formal commitments from the Netherlands.
- Upcoming EU ecodesign directive is relevant.
In that context there was also a meeting with Fairphone about our upcycle Android campaign and the directive
- FSFE Women group exists and has committed to regular monthly meetings.
- Future province elections March 2023, what can be done
- Might be an interesting layer between national government and municipalities.
- Get policy makers on a base level about Public Money? Public Code!
- First identify the right persions, for example by asking parties who would be the right contact for such matters.
- Arguments for policy makers:
- Free software can be modified more easily, is more secure, and both lower the risk of bad PR.
- Recent case: it will take years to change taxes on fruit and vegetables because of the necessary changes in IT systems.
- Approach
- First ask province about the current state on software
- Existing software license policy
- Policy for procurement of software
- Is 'open, unless' policy being applied as a principle?
- Are they aware of the benefits for cyber security?
- Use the replies to ask election parties about their stances
- First ask province about the current state on software
(Sam) Google Analytics no longer allowed in EU as a result of Max Schrems II:
- (Rijk) Municipal elections
- Almere has deleted the email inboxes of members of parliament, therefore now under guardianship (curatele) by the province.
- Rijk efforts in Almere:
- Keep a list of software in use in municipalities: amount of software, types of contracts, etc.
- Get transparent reporting on algorithms and artificial intelligence
- Amazing the amount of lobby-related emails in which suggestions are made to the election programme.
(Rijk) Microsoft has blocked a whole IP-range of Linode for use with Office365 accounts
- Reporting to Microsoft doesn't seem to change anything. Feels very anti-competitive.
(Rijk) New SavaPage partner
Looking for a Belgium partner, perhaps ?
(Rijk) TV show suggestion Tegenlicht Digitale Detox
(Rijk) News article router freedom in effect
- The Belgian BIPT (Belgisch Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie) has plans to come up with a public consultation this quarter.
Some consultations are already on the website, will have to find the correct one:
- (Sam) New telecom law in Belgium, said something about equipment but it was vaguely formulated. Could be interpreted as Router Freedom.
Not discussed, perhaps next meeting
(Sam) White House wants to make Free Software more secure:
Previous meeting: Events/Netherlands/2022-12-15
Next meeting: Events/Netherlands/2022-02-16
How to edit this
Login using FSFE account or by asking Nico Rikken as Coordinator for a volunteer account.