Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2021-08-18 20:00 CEST
- End
- 22:00 ?
- Location
- On FSFE conference server (send email to Nico Rikken to get login details)
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
- Nico
- André
- Rijk
- Sam
- Felix
- Kevin
Discussion points / Agenda + minutes
- End of sms authentication for DigiD (Nico)
- NLLGG 18 september, more concrete plans?
- Free Software on schools (Nico)
Points from last meeting
SavaPage at University Muenschen (Rijk)
- (Rijk)
FairEmail pro features: pay, write an email and get a link to open within the client to activate.
- Corona Check App
- Swiss app from F-Droid only handles international codes, no Dutch national codes. These international codes cannot be scanned with the Dutch app.
Swiss app:
- Dutch app luckily shows less privacy-sensitive information compared to apps from other countries
Felix has had some responses on the request for the app, it will be considered:
- The QR-scanner is currently dependent on Google Firebase framework. Felix has written a patch to work around this.
- Images from the app aren't licensed EUPL, so that would require some work before it can be included in F-Droid. Replacing images like for app usages instructures could be possible, but will be a lot of work. Perhaps it can be replaced with publicly available icons?
Community on Code for NL Slack. More information on
- German app publishing for F-Droid is frustrated with some new Google-dependent code. It might be interesting to fork.
Nico has posted a request on the Slack channel. It was answered by someone a couple of hours later. Although F-Droid allows for non-free assets, the license requires explicit permission to distribute the images
- DigiD authentication sms phase-out
- New authentication option in ID-cards with NFC only works with apps on proprietary platforms.
- It doesn't seem to adhere to open standards.
In Debian there is an app for reading German ID-cards, which is a nice example Is even advertised on the public website.
- Perhaps through a FOI-request enough information can be gathered for an alternative implementation.
- It seems we're always lagging
Idea Vincent Lequiertier to have certain checklists
- Already quite a bit of legislation is in place, might be more explicit
- SMS is only fall-back for citizens not having a smartphone app (Google, iOS), but will be fased out.
Thread on Freedom Internet forum about this, with like-minded people
Internal investigations within the government have already shown that there could come resistance from people not wanting to use a Google or Apple smartphone, so the government was warned. Link with investigation:
- Marketing team of Freedom is interested to publicly raise awareness for this.
- TODO: try to join forces and raise this issue
- Kevin has writtten a letter to the commission Digitalisering, with Fido2 as an alternative option
- Might be worthwile for others to send a similar letter.
Fido2 is even open hardware from Nitrokey
- It is fair that SMS is not very secure, but smartphone apps don't seem the solution.
For companies eHerkenning is the norm Handled by corporate entities
- NLLGG 18 september
- Not clear if it will be held, no program announced yet
We got a live update it will be held
- No reason to stop with these get-togethers, maybe with another frequency
- Agenda is mostly about NLLGG and getting together
- Not so much to do a stand, maybe in shirts with some flyers
- University Munchen
- Physics department is using Savapage
Germany coordinator Björn Schießle
- Also Muenschen local group Muenchen: Coordinator Bernhard (b6d)
- Free software in Dutch education - continuation last time
- Nico had content with FSFE Zurich, it is still difficult
There is a matrix group 'Freedom Internet - Onderwijs' More information on the Freedom Community Forum
- Discussion about Apple scanning feature
- In US a organization has a database with child pornography hashes
- Tools like Microsoft PhotoDNA to compare images based on hashes to match similarities, acting like an upload filter
- Apple has decided to scan photos directly on the phone before the iPhoto, rather than on the cloud
- Contains some false-positives, based on thresholds
Related github issue
- User resistance: device is used against you, not in the interest of the user.
- Malicious attacks by generate images that match the hash despite looking entirely different
- Risk for abuse once the technology is in place
- "Without a strong stance from other tech companies, in particular device manufacturers and OS developers, we will look back on the last few weeks as the beginning of the end of generally available consumer devices that don't conduct constant algorithmic surveillance."
- There is a benefit to provide your own storage, to prevent required filtering.
- IP addresses in NL cannot be related to a single person, how does that relate to storage?
- Wire app
- Devs have contacted the F-Droid team about helping to remove the Google-platform dependent modules to get the app into F-Droid.
Backend seems open source as well:
- About signing and F-Droid
- Signing in Google Play Store now has to have keys managed by Google
- F-Droid builds and signs with separate key
- With reproducible builds Signal could verify the integrity of the app
- Router freedom in NL
- 2 network types: Point to point (Active Optical Network, AON), point to multipoint (GPON, 16 persons on 1 connection)
- For certain glass fiber networks you need to select the network light color using a dedicated box (ONT) provider by the network operator.
- In the future there might be discussion on 'point to multipoint' networks, similar to DOCSIS networks where selection is done in the box. Point to multipoint networks are chosen because of the low cost.
- Looks like a parallel where wifi router firmware modifications are not allowed for radio restrictions
- It seems almost required to allow a box for the initial handshake and seleciton in GPON networks.
- Risk of people with little technological knowledge causing technical issues, leading to legislative change away from router freedom, ruining it for everybody.
- Passive connection: Fiber Terminal Unit (FTU) with SCAPC connector.
- How to know the type of fiber network? One cannot, so might need to contact the ISP.
- System76 Intel ME
- New CPUs lack S3 sleep mode, so are shipped with Intel Management Engine.
- Promise by System76 to offer the option in the future to disable the Intel ME.
Not discussed, perhaps next meeting
- ...
Previous meeting: Events/Netherlands/2021-07-21
Next meeting: Events/Netherlands/2021-09-15
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Login using FSFE account or by asking Nico Rikken for a volunteer account.