Self-organised sessions
You find self-organised sessions to choose from on this page. Feel free to add your own proposal!
Please also give information of how many slots you need. We have 4 slots, each 1,5hours.
- Self-organised sessions
- Preparing Community Meeting 2018 (Erik Albers)
- Tools 4 you (Erik Albers)
- Using Git for your FSFE activities (Max Mehl, Carmen Bianca Bakker)
- Preparing FSFE to grow its membership base (Mirko Böhm)
- IloveFS sharing graphics (MK)
- Using for your FSFE activities (MK)
- Public Money Public Code (MK & Polina)
- Update of Free Your Android (Max)
- CoC and conflict handling (Florian Snow)
- LiMux (Bernhard Weitzhofer)
Preparing Community Meeting 2018 (Erik Albers)
The next community meeting is planned around the major French Free Software Meeting "RMLL" that happens in Strasbourg, France. The community meeting will be extended with possible participation in the conference by having an own track for the FSFE during RMLL. I am looking forward four your input to the organisation of the Community Meeting 2018. Help me to get things done and right. I look for hands but also for inspirations.
Number of slots: 1
Tools 4 you (Erik Albers)
Reach out to supporters in your region, announce your event on, order material for your booth, run a survey with a focus group, find templates, send official letters and much more tools and processes that you need as a (local) coordinator of the FSFE. This session is a tool-sharing session of the most useful and necessary tools. It is also open for discussions about how to improve some processes or what you are still missing.
Number of slots: 1
Using Git for your FSFE activities (Max Mehl, Carmen Bianca Bakker)
For quite some time the FSFE offers a Git server with web interface. I will shortly explain the basics and help you to set up and learn how to work with Git on your computer, based on the already existing tutorials.
The objective is to make you ready to use Git for your FSFE contributions, and improve the existing guides by adding your unanswered questions.
Number of slots: 1
Preparing FSFE to grow its membership base (Mirko Böhm)
At the FSFE GA 2017, we decided to move forward with extending the membership base of FSFE. We want to create more integration across Europe, and make it easier and more straightforward for contributors to grow into FSFE. This will require changes to our bylaws, some rules of procedure (for example, how to accept new members), and a plan to get there. The goal of the session is to get the ball rolling on this project, and come up with a timeline for the implementation.
Number of slots: 1
IloveFS sharing graphics (MK)
On 14 February we will have the next edition of I love Free Software again. In this session we will brainstorm about ideas how we can spread the news about I love FS more widely, come up with good slogans, graphics, etc. which we can then use next year.
Number of slots: 0.5
Using for your FSFE activities (MK)
Since a few months we tested Wekan for the organisation to keep track of projects and activities. We use it for our bi-weekly staff meetings, and the campaigns savecodeshare and PMPC. I will show you some the principles and advantages you can have with the software, so you can decide if it would be a useful tool to keep track and involve more people in your activities.
Number of slots: 0.5
Public Money Public Code (MK & Polina)
PMPC is one of our most successful campaigns with a very good outreach factor. After the initial success it would be good if we can keep the vibe going. One of the tools to keep attention towards the campaign is to publish news every now and then with interesting information that leads people again to the campaigns pages. One of such interesting news-categories is to interview people and therewith highlight success stories. This is a session to prepare such interviews, to brainstorm about the interviews but also about other methods of leading more attention towards the campaign.
Number of slots: 1
Update of Free Your Android (Max)
Our "Free Your Android" campaign reaches thousands of visitors and tells them how they can liberate their mobile phones – many of them didn't hear of the FSFE or even Free Software before! But unfortunately the website is terribly out of date, mentioning lots of software and operating systems which don't exist anymore or which we have better Free Software alternatives for today. So in this session you will help improving the 2 pages which urgently need an update, and give your general feedback how you think people can be motivated to switch to more Free Software on their phones.
Number of slots: 1
CoC and conflict handling (Florian Snow)
Now with having a CoC we will inevitable see breaches of the CoC. How to handle them, when to act and how handle conflict management is the topic of our session.
Number of slots: 1