This is a list of Free Software videos. Some of these are general in their scope and some discuss specific aspects. These videos can be useful for 'training' people in effective advocacy. They are also a useful tool in themselves. You can share these links with people to explain in an entertaining way why Free Software is important.
2021-08-22: Alexander Sander talk Deutschland zwischen Palim! Palim! und Zoom at FrOSCon 2021
2021-06-19: Matthias Kirschner talk 20 Years FSFE - The long way for software freedom at openSUSE Conference
2021-02-17: Matthias Kirschner panel discussion (German) "Digitaler Staat: Open-Source-Entwicklung - Kür, Pflicht oder Bürde für die Verwaltung"
2021-02-07: Lucas Lasota talk "Net Neutrality and Free Software -The Case of Router Freedom in Europe at FOSDEM 2021
2021-02-06: Max Mehl talk REUSE, best practices for declaring copyright and licenses at FOSDEM 2021
2020-12-28: Lucas Lasota talk Net Neutrality 2.0. Router Freedom and device neutrality in Europe at rC3
2020-10-28: Alexander Sander talk Public Money Public Code! What Role does Free Software Play after the Corona Crisis at Open Source Summit20
2020-10-06: Alexander Sander talk (German) Ein Ort für öffentlichen Code - Public Money Public Code! at Netzpolitischer Abend.
2020-09-26: Alexander Sander - Keynote Public Money Public Code. Global problems need Global Solutions at Software Freedom Kosova 2020.
2020-08-28: Matthias Kirschner discussion (German) Engineering Trust: Can technology help building trust? at Demo-Day Prototypefund
2020-06-18: Lucas Lasota talk: Shaping the future of Internet with Free Software at OpenExpo 2020
2020-06-18: Alexander Sander discussion (German) Offenheit als neues Paradigma in der Digitalpolitik der CDU at KAS: forum digital: Alles Open - oder was?
2020-03-06: Matthias Kirschner talk: The core values of Software Freedom at FOSSBack20
2020-02-22: Matthias Kirschner talk (German): Die Ethik Freier Software – Missverständnisse ausräumen at Winterkongress 2020
2020-02-22: Max Mehl talk (German): Keine IT-Sicherheit ohne Freie Software at Winterkongress 2020
2020-02-07: Alexander Sander talk (German): Public Money, Public Code!- Wie Freie Software für mehr Sicherheit sorgt at DefensiCeCon20
2020-02-02: Max Mehl talk: Go REUSE to license your code at FOSDEM20
2020-02-02: Lucas Lasota talk: Regaining sovereignty over your router at FOSDEM20
2020-02-01: Matthias Kirschner talk: Civil society needs Free Software hackers at FOSDEM20
2019-12-29: Bonnie Mehring and Matthias Kirschner talk: Public Money? Public Code! A campaign framework to promote software freedom at 36C3, Leipzig.
2019-11-[15-16]: Erik Albers talk About Sustainability of Software at SFScon19
2019-11-[15-16]: Carlo Piano talk Free Software Legal 101 at SFScon19
2019-11-[15-16]: Lucas Lasota talk Router Freedom is Moving On at SFScon19
2019-11-[15-16]: Alexander Sander talk Free Software and European Politics at SFScon19
2019-11-[15-16]: Bonnie Mehring talk Public Money? Public Code! at SFScon19
2019-11-16: Björn Schießle talk: The challenge with Free Software business models at SFScon19
2019-10-04: Alexander Sander talk Public Money, Public Code! at Open Source Lisbon 2019
2019-09-14: Alexander Sander panel discussion: Public Money, Public Code! at Nextcloud Conference 19
2019-08-24: Erik Albers talk (German): Über die Nachhaltigkeit von Software! at Chaos Communication Camps 19
2019-08-[10-11]: Alexander Sander talk: Public Money? Public Code! at FrOScon19
2019-07-03: Max Mehl talk: No IT security without Free Software at pass the SALT 2019.
2019-06-25: Alexander Sander talk: Public Money? Public Code! at LibertyBits 2019, Sofia Bulgaria.
2019-04-[26-27]: Max Mehl talk (German): IT-Sicherheit Freie Software! at GrazerLinuxTage19
2019-03-05: Katharina Nocun and Basanta E. P. Thapa talk: Public Money, Public Code at 80th Netzpolitischer Abend at c-base, Berlin.
2018-11-17: Erik Albers talk (German): Digitale Rohstoffe erhalten sich anders - Bits Bäume in Berlin.
2018-11-16:Matthias Kirschner talk: Be aware: Technology shapes democracy - at SFScon 2018 in Bolzano, Italy.
2018-10-15: Matthias Kirschner talk: Democracy requires Free Software at Kernel Recipes 2018 in Paris. (Slides)
2018-06-12: Matthias Kirschner talk (German): Freie Software, Freie Gesellschaft: Wie Software unser Leben beeinflusst und warum wir als Demokraten Software beeinflussen müssen
2018-06-07: Max Mehl keynote about Public Code with Free Software: Modernising Public Digital Infrastructure at OW2Con in Paris (Slides).
2017-12-13: Matthias Kirschner talk (German) "Freie Software, Freie Gesellschaft: Wie Software unser Leben beeinflusst und warum wir als Demokraten Software beeinflussen müssen" in Lecture Series Open Technology for an Open Society, Freie Universität Berlin.
2017-09-29: Carmen Bianca & Eric da Silva talk Public Money? Public Code! at COPYCAMP (Warsaw, Poland)
2017-09-29: Polina Malaja talk European copyright review. Impact on Free and Open Source Software and developer communities at COPYCAMP (Warsaw, Poland)
2017-09-15: Erik Albers talk (German) Wie man Freie Software zum Wahlkampfthema macht at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage
2017-08-19: Matthias Kirschner talk (German) Limux: das Ende eines Leuchtturm-Projekts!? at FrOSCon
2017-08-07: Erik Albers talk: Ask your candidates and let everyone know about it at SHA2017
2017-05-27: Matthias Kirschner in a panel discussion (German) about "Free data, free sharing, being free" at the church day in Magdeburg.
2017-05-26: Matthias Kirschner keynote " Limux - the loss of a lighthouse" at the openSUSE conference 2017., Download, Slides
2017-03-07: Matthias Kirschner talk (German) "Limux: if you power off a lighthouse" at the "58. Netzpolitischer Abend". by Digitale Gesellschaft.
2017-02-04: Max Mehl talk about Radio Lockdown Directive - Major threat for Free Software on radio devices at FOSDEM.
2016-12-27: Max Mehl talk (German) Routerzwang und Funkabschottung – Was Aktivisten davon lernen können at 33. Chaos Communication Congress.
2016-08-20: Polina Malaja talk DSM, EIF, RED: Acronyms on the EU level and why they matter for software freedom at FrOSCon.
2016-08-20: Max Mehl talk (German) Routerzwang und Funkabschottung – Was Aktivisten davon lernen können at FrOSCon.
2016-05-05: Matthias Kirschner talk (German) Das Freie Software 1x1: Missverständnisse gekonnt aufklären at OpenTec Summit. Presenation slides
2016-04-12: Matthias Kirschner talk FSFE: The long way to empower people to control technology at the Barcelona Free Software group Presentation slides.
2016-04-07: Peter Bubestinger talk Free software and open formats: virtual immortality and independence for digital archives (English) at PREFORMA OS-Workshop / National Library Stockholm. Presentation slides (html5)
2016-03-18: Matthias Kirschner talk (German) Freie-Software-Mißverständnisse gekonnt aufklären at Chemnitzer Linuxtage Presenation slides
2016-01-31: Max Mehl short introduction Meeting the Free Software Foundation Europe at FOSDEM 2016
2015-07-25: Matthias Kirschner Akademy 2015 interview by Kubuntu podcast.
2015-07-25: Matthias Kirschner talk "An Endangered Species: The Computer as a Universal Machine - Keynote" at Akademy 2015. Presentation slides
2015-05-18: Guido Arnold (Zagreb, Croatia) Free Software in Education. A glance at Europe
2015-05-05: Matthias Kirschner (German) Chaosradio 209 - Open-Source-Finanzierung - Jeder will es, keiner zahlt?
2015-02-01: Matthias Kirschner Interview at FOSDEM 2015.
2014-08-24: Matthias Kirschner talk (German)Vom Aussterben bedroht: die Universalmaschine Computer at FrOSCon 2014.
2014-08-16: Christian Kalkhoff Pushing Free Software /afk - Introducing FSFE's Munich team (English) at GHM 2014.
2014-07-04: Matthias Kirschner (German) Chaosradio 202 - Ist das schon alles? - Wie man Crippleware von Anti-Features heilen kann
2014-06-25: Peter Bubestinger Interview at Televison Educativa, Mexico
2014-05-07: Torsten Grote (FISL, Porto Alegre, Brasil) How to regain control of your mobile device
2014-03-29: Georg Greve (EB, Zurich) Informationssicherheit für Schulen
2014-03-21: Matthias Kirschner Panel discussion about Free Software at European Internet Governance and Beyond with Stefano Zacchiroli (Debian), Simon Phipps (Open Source Initiative), Matthias Kirschner (Free Software Foundation Europe). Moderator: Radek Pietroń.
2014-03-09: Maurice Verheesen (Cebit, Hannover, Germany) European digital sovereignty & security through software freedom in the EU cloud
2013-09-03: Sam Tuke Free your android
2013-07-08: Wener Koch (RMLL/LSM, Brussels) Privacy 2013: Why. When. How.
2013-07-08: Karsten Gerloff (RMLL/LSM, Brussels) All watched over by machines of loving grace?
2013-07-08: Hugo Roy (RMLL/LSM, Brussels) Towards usage restrictions into HTML?
2013-04-20: Peter Bubestinger talk (German) (Grazer Linuxtag, Graz/Austria) "Aufnehmen. Mischen. Mastern: Professionelle Audioproduktion mit Freier Software"
2012-11-15: Torsten Grote (SFSCon, Bolzano, Italy) Free Your Android, Own Your Device!
2012-08-24: Matthias Kirschner (Campus Party Europe, Berlin) "The FSFS- Fighting for your freedom, since 1985"
2012-08-22: Peter Bubestinger (Campus Party Europe, Berlin) "Record. Mix. Master: Professional audio production with free software"
2012-08-22: Matthias Kirschner (Campus Party Europe, Berlin) "An endangered species: computer as a universal machine"
2012-03-07: Sam Tuke (Liverpool Linux User Group) "Free vs Open: How much freedom is enough"
2011-11-12: Karsten Gerloff (Göteborg, Sweden), The water in which we swim - Policy issues around Free Software
2011-11-12: Guido Arnold (Göteborg, Sweden), Catch them early - Free Software in education
2011-11-12: Erik Josefsson (Göteborg, Sweden), Free Software in the European Parliament
2011-11-12: Daniel Melin (Göteborg, Sweden), Free Software in the Swedish public sector
2011-11-12: Bjarni_Runar_Einarsson (Göteborg, Sweden), Workshop: Hands-on decentralization with PageKite
2011-11-12: Matthias Kirschner (Göteborg, Sweden), Non-free Software Advertisement presented by your Government
2011-10-04: Peter Bubestinger (Europeana-Tech Conference, Vienna/Austria) "Free Software and Open Formats: virtual immortality and independence for digital archives"
2010-06-10: Matthias Kirschner (LinuxTag, Berlin) 7 Missverständnisse über Freie Software (oder sind es Lügen?)
2010-09-14: Karsten Gerloff (TEDx event in Eutropolis), Power and Freedom
2010-11-06: Torsten Grote (FSCons, Göteborg, Sweden) Centralised Internet Services and Problems of Power (part 1, part 2, part 3)
2009-08-03: Shane Coughlan (CeBIT 2009), The strategic implementation of Free Software in business
2009-08-03: Georg Greve (CeBIT 2009), To dare more Freedom
2008-09-05: Shane Coughlan (Vienna, Austria), The Professionalization of Free Software
2007-02-25: Georg Greve (Brussels, Belgium), Beyond GPLv3
2006-09-21: Matthias Kirschner (Berlin, Germany), Show des Freien Wissens, Explaining Free Software while cooking pesto
2006-04-09: Federico Heinz (Dublin, Ireland), The Imperative for Free Software in Government & Public Administration
2005-12-27: Karsten Gerloff (Berlin, Germany), Access to Knowledge