A list of Distributions in the educational field (You can also use the "Education" filter on distrowatch.com to see which distro is under active developement):
Arktur-Schulserver (http://arktur.schul-netz.de/cont/cms/front_content.php?idcat=3&lang=1&client=1)
Debian Edu Re-integration of Skolelinux in Debian.
eyeos for schools platform independent school server (AGPL3)
freeduc (French, based on Knoppix)
JUXlala Linux in kids- and youth work. >3years
kmLinux (de) Schleswig-Holstein .
LernTux (de)
Linux-EduCD (Polish, based on Mandriva)
OpenSchoolServer (with support)
paedML Linux Standard solution for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
Pinguino (de) The OS for kits from 6 to 10 years.
Qimo is a desktop operating system designed for kids. Based on Ubuntu
slixs development aktive, Forum inaktive?
UCS@school Bremen.
Other lists