Describe Teams/Women/Ideas here.
Ideas on making our group more fun and accessible
- Matrix room is more active than the mailing list?
- Prepare events on in advance
- play an icebreaker game before the call starts
- plan an in-person meeting
- have a social meeting where we share something about each other, no presentation, non-technical
- (additional) meetings at noon, might be easier for some people than an evening meeting
- make the Matrix room more visible? the link is hard to find
- make the group easier to find on the website
Ideas for FSFE Women Projects
- Build a game, which on one hand shows our members and on the other hand logos of the projects, and asks the question who made contributions to which projects, this should be web-based. When a logo has been correctly connected to the person, a link is shown to the concerning contribution.
E.g.: Dipohl -> Munin ->