Rhein-Main 2014-04-02
- start
- 2014-06-04
- End
- 2014-06-04
- title
Rhein-Main 2014-04-02
- Location
- Frankfurt, Café Albatros, Kiesstraße 27 (Nähe Bockenheimer Warte).
- Topics
- Vorstellungsrunde, Keysigning
- Description
- Fellowship meeting Rhein-Main
Report in blog: http://blogs.fsfe.org/guido/2014/06/report-from-fellowship-meeting-in-frankfurt-june-4/
dump of it without links: Report from Fellowship meeting in Frankfurt (June 4) We met at Café Albatros, sitting outside for the first time this year! As we welcomed a new face, we introduced ourselfes and gave a short introduction what the FSFE is and does, the role of the Fellowship, the importance of Free Software and mentioned the books ”Code” und “Program or be programmed”
Among other things, we discussed the following topics:
the recent Cryptoparties at the young greens in Hofheim and at the Bended Realities Festival in Offenbach (Photo) as well as the upcomming cyrptoparty in Frankfurt on June 21st. The FSFE CryptoCard and troubleshooting Key management and how to convert a GPG key as subkey (and here) The concept of subkeys Hauke Lagings Crypto pages (German) usability of crypto software which led us to Steed we learned that the appointment finding software Dudle is looking for a new maintainer Webbased shell interfaces like webmin our further plans on activities focused on education with reference to Froglabs at FrOSCon (23./24. August 2014). BTW, the startpage shows a Rhein/Main Fellow hacking for freedom. Can you spot him? Matthias already wrote about Froglabs recently. as Mutt was a subject again, we decided to do a Mutterware-Party in the near future
And by coincidence, we found out that three of us have a commen interest besides Free Software: Gparagliding. (at second thought, not so surprising considering that we all love freedom so much)
Category/FellowshipEvents Category/Cryptoparty