Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2023-08-23 20:00 CEST
- End
- 22:00 CEST
- Location
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
NL: Onze online localgroup bijeenkomst. Deze is open voor iedereen en we schakelen naar het Engels als niet iedereen Nederlands begrijpt.
EN: Our online localgroup meeting. It is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch.
Other meetings on the wiki overview page: Events/Netherlands
Other meetings on the wiki overview page: Events/Netherlands
- André
- Nico
- Sam
- Geert-Jan
Agenda + minutes
- Recent events
7-13 August Koppelting with Geert-Jan for CEDO, Amersfoort, NL
- 15-19 August ⭐ Chaoss Communication Camp, Berlin, DE
- Upcoming events
16 September NLLGG
- 16 September Free Software Day
16 September Triodos Festival 2023
- 20-22 October FSFE General Assembly Essen
- 9-12 November ⭐ SFSCon
- 18 November? NLLGG?
- 18 November? ⭐ Repaircafé Oosterbeek - Upcycling Android
28 November NLUUG najaarsconferentie
- 27-30 December ⭐ Chaoss Communication Congress
- 3-4 February 2024 ⭐ FOSDEM, Brussels
- FSFE updates
- Triodos letter
- Not much has happened, still waiting for a reply.
- Marketing material refers to the app by default, even though the website still works. Nudging.
- Event is upcoming.
- Also discussion on NLLGG mailinglist about banks pushing apps.
Delft Pirate Party has already checked the presence of trackers
- Triodos: response took a while, like 6 months, but eventually tracker was removed.
- People with similar opinion, can be included in the group.
- Best if Triodos would create an open source app.
- First priority is to get in touch with relevant staff at Triodos.
- Open Source apps in stores
- Most F-Droid apps are available in the Google Play store too.
- Apple Appstore doesn't allow apps with licenses that DRM
- CEDO @ Koppelting
- Presentation about education and
Amersfoort makerspace In De War
- Upcycling Android workshops
- 1000 translated flyers
- Repaircafé Oosterbeek, November
- Elections
- Some organizations are proposing
- Alexander no response yet
- Generic plan:
- Propose points/text to parties
- Check election plans (voting advice)
- Ideas for talking points
- Inspiration
- Previous election programs
- Letter to forming parties last elections
- Points
- Digital sovereignty
- Innovation budget to develop software for government (Like the Germans)
- Digital public goods
- Make work of 'open, unless'
- Highlight good examples
- 'Open werken' (working in the open)
- Digital sovereignty
- Inspiration
- You need internal promoters
- You need the right contact, the specialist
List of persons active in commission of digital affairs.
New/unrepresented parties: BBB, Nieuw Sociaal Contract (Omtzigt), Piratenpartij --> at least email them.
List of parties:
- Next step: basic pad: expand it and make it party-specific if possible.
- Most minimal: write email to all parties referring to main page.
- Writing session: Geert-Jan, Sam, Jos, Kevin, mailinglist, Maurice, Rijk