Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2023-07-26 20:00 CEST
- End
- 22:00 CEST
- Location
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
NL: Onze online localgroup bijeenkomst. Deze is open voor iedereen en we schakelen naar het Engels als niet iedereen Nederlands begrijpt.
EN: Our online localgroup meeting. It is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch.
Other meetings on the wiki overview page: Events/Netherlands
- André
- Nico
- Sam
Agenda + minutes
- Recent events
- 7-9 July ⭐ FSFE team@ summer meeting
- Good meeting
- Router Freedom wiki idea
- 7-9 July ⭐ FSFE team@ summer meeting
- Upcoming events
- 15-19 August ⭐ Chaoss Communication Camp
- 19 August ⭐ Repaircafé Oosterbeek - Upcycling Android
16 September NLLGG?
16 September Free Software Day
- 20-22 October FSFE General Assembly Essen
- 9-12 November ⭐ SFSCon
- 18 November? NLLGG?
- 18 November? ⭐ Repaircafé Oosterbeek - Upcycling Android
28 November NLUUG najaarsconferentie
- 27-30 December ⭐ Chaoss Communication Congress
- 3-4 February 2024 ⭐ FOSDEM, Brussels
- FSFE updates
- Help wanted
- Helping hand: upcoming NLLGG booths, flashing workshops
- Letter by Dutch secretary of state about digital public goods
- Highlights of the letter:
- examples:
- Digital democracy platforms: Open Stad, Consul
- Mastodon
- progress:
- e-learning about working open source
- inventory at
- open source development of new solutions
- open source demanded for innovation projects
- OSPO at ministry of internal affairs
- OSPO collaboration will be discovered
- the increasing number of freedom of information (FOI) requests calls for
- open source development because opening up later is complex and costly
- national
- collaboration with NLnet, SIDN fund, public Spaces and SURF
PubHubs social network development
- ways to strengthen democracy for participation
- finding ways for sustainable public goods (funding)
- European
- Declaration: Towards a Sovereign Digital Infrastructure of Commons
- NL will join the European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC)
PubHubs will be proposed for EDIC
- OSPO collaboration under the coordination of the EC OSPO
- Internationally
- open collaboration
- Bilateral collaboration with Germany in Zendis center for Digital
- Sovereignty
- examples:
- Highlights of the letter:
- Triodos letter
- Held a presentation at Summer Meeting
Triodos festival day, 16 september
- Still waiting for a reply
Freedom Internet collaborating with TriNed
- Email headers leaking email client and potentially home IP
Explaining article
- Deviating from the norm might raise your spam score
- Self-hosting (at home) comes at an additional risk of exposure of your IP-address, unless you use a VPN solution).
- Elections
- Write to parties writing election plans? Collaborate with other organizations?
- Will need work, ask around what is needed?
- Finding the right persons is important, that can explain the relevance and the context.
- Upcycling Android workshops
- Translating leaflet
Repaircafé Oosterbeek
First try with OpenAndroidInstaller