Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2023-06-28 20:00 CEST
- End
- 22:00 CEST
- Location
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
NL: Onze online localgroup bijeenkomst. Deze is open voor iedereen en we schakelen naar het Engels als niet iedereen Nederlands begrijpt.
EN: Our online localgroup meeting. It is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch.
- André
- Nico
- Geert-Jan
Agenda + minutes
- Updates since last meeting ...
- Work on Triodos letter about the required app
- - Risk with policy like digital Euro ending up in a place where technology is forced onto people. - Triodos letter sent, no response yet.
- - If no response: call for updates - Rejection: deliberate, would not be a positive situation. Follow-up has to be based on the argument in the rejection.
- Alternative banks: ASN bank offering browsercode method as method between app and identifier. Relatively short code to memorize. Seems to work well from a free software user perspective. Page explicitly mentions Firefox and the people where - Wider guarantees, to ensure a wider improvement
- Dutch National Bank page on inclusiveness of payment: - MOB as a forum to discuss about payment, with many different parties involved.
- Main issue: point 25.3 of 'voorwaarden digitaal bankieren'
- - Legal language: bootloader unlocken is needed, but doesn't need rooting.
- - Risk with policy like digital Euro ending up in a place where technology is forced onto people. - Triodos letter sent, no response yet.
- Work on Triodos letter about the required app
- Recent events
27-28 June Public Spaces Conference: The Commons
- - Good sessions and projects represented - CEDO stand helped generate traction. New opportunities with policymakers. - New Tegenlicht episode coming up on repairability, probably no software angle.
- Software availability remains an issue. Coreboot for Framework laptop (community guide)
- - Good sessions and projects represented - CEDO stand helped generate traction. New opportunities with policymakers. - New Tegenlicht episode coming up on repairability, probably no software angle.
- Upcoming events
- 7-9 July ⭐ FSFE team@ summer meeting
- 15-19 August ⭐ Chaoss Communication Camp
16 September NLLGG?
16 September Free Software Day
- 20-22 October FSFE General Assembly Essen
- 9-12 November ⭐ SFSCon
- 27-30 December ⭐ Chaoss Communication Congress
- Idea for larger NLLGG booth
- - In summertime perhaps on the outside deck, perhaps selling items.
Other meetings on the wiki overview page: Events/Netherlands