Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2023-02-15 20:00 CET
- End
- 22:00 ?
- Location
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
- Sam
- Nico
Agenda + minutes
- Updates and activities since last meeting
- Upcoming events
- ...
- Discussion
- Outreach and target audience
- Types of persons
- Enough digital skills, being able to action on the new knowledge about Free Software and are able to make the distinction.
- Perhaps principled people living consciously, to add value
- Repair café's, for upcycling android campaign. Hand out folders.
- Lower income
- Through different campaigns
- Ada Zangemann: towards kids (and parents)
- Types of persons
Perhaps translate Ada Zangemann <>
- How to convince people
- Matching hook is needed that speaks to people, from there they can explore more and become aware of the deeper understanding.
- Can have various means
- Have a recruiting story ("wervend verhaal")
- Call to action: what can people do
- Different types of activities: both Individual and collective/group actions, and physical vs remote/online
- Help at the booth to spread the message
- Help translating (remote/online)
- Write news articles
Host online events/webinars? A couple of times per year, wider audience? (like already published on PeerTube)
- Recurring meetings needed to grow an audience/community
- Highlight examples to allow others to learn from it
- Hidden gem projects, that should get more attention (IRMA)
- Follow local or national politics to look for opportunities to influence
- Different types of activities: both Individual and collective/group actions, and physical vs remote/online
- Call to action: what can people do
- Matching hook is needed that speaks to people, from there they can explore more and become aware of the deeper understanding.
- Outreach and target audience
- Belgium group?
- No updates, didn't get to a meeting at FOSDEM
Previous and upcoming meetings on the wiki overview page: Events/Netherlands