Linuxtag, one of the biggest events around Free Software in Europe, will take place from 28. - 31. May 2008 in Berlin, Germany. Like in the previous years, FSFE will be present with a booth. A lot of question might already be answered on Linuxtag's wiki.
Some people made pictures of the event.
Booth staff
Name |
Acc |
EP |
We |
Th |
Fr |
Sa |
Bernhard Reiter |
? |
X |
X |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Björn Schiessle |
mk |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Christof Thim |
X |
? |
- |
V |
V |
- |
- |
Edgar "Fast Edi" Hoffmann |
id |
X |
X |
- |
X |
- |
- |
Grischa Weberstädt |
X |
X |
X |
X |
- |
- |
? |
Hannes Hauswedell1 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
- |
- |
Isabel Drost |
X |
X |
? |
- |
- |
- |
X |
Karsten Gerloff |
X |
? |
X |
- |
X |
X |
X |
Mario Fux |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Matthias Kirschner |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Michael Kesper 2 |
X |
X |
X |
? |
X |
X |
X |
Robert M. Albrecht 3 |
X |
- |
- |
_ |
_ |
_ |
_ |
Reinhard Müller |
mk |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
- |
Markus Heuser |
X |
X |
X |
- |
- |
- |
X |
Torsten Grote 4 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Volker Dormeyer |
X |
X |
- |
- |
- |
X |
- |
Acc = Accomodation clarified
EP = Exhibitioner passes
SET = Social Event Tickets, takes place on Thursday evening (N = has to be ordered)
Booth timetable
Time/Day |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
8-10 |
"Björn, Christof" |
"Edgar, Christof" |
"Björn, Mario" |
"Björn, Thilo" |
10-12 |
"Christof" |
"Christof, Hannes" |
"Michael, Björn" |
"Michael, Markus" |
12-14 |
"Markus" |
"Edgar" |
"Volker, Torsten" |
"Karsten, Torsten" |
14-16 |
"Grischa, Björn" |
"Michael, Björn" |
"Michael, Björn" |
"Björn, Markus" |
16-18 |
"Mario, Hannes" |
"Edgar, Torsten" |
"Karsten, Volker" |
"Isabel" |
If this is not working for you, please sent Matthias a note, or change shifts during exhibition.
- Matthias will set up the booth on Tuesday
- Bernhard is on low availability
- Reinhard and Matthias will be around the booth most of the time to assist the booth crew.
Fellow Sabine will help on four days for the project food preperation.
- Fellow Jürgen will help for the food preperation, too.
How should I prepare?
If this is your first booth, please read our booth information page. Beside that you should read through our leaflets and read our folder to get an overview.
It is planned to book rooms in a hotel nearby to the event location. We will probably go to the same location as last year as they have a hotel and a hostel next to each other.
- When do you plan to arrive?
- When do you plan to leave?
- Do you need accomodation?
- Which room type (single or double) do you need?
Booth Equipment
We got a booth with 13,5 m^2, which is open on one side. See the booth plan
- We have a small lockable room in the back
- the walls are white
- 1 60x60 counter
- 1 110x60 counter
- 1 80x80 table + 3-4 chairs
Poster: One Fellowship Poster is at the printer
Leaflets: The new leaflets are now autogenerated.
- 1 zick-zack leaflet rack (from Linuxtag)
- 2 zick-zack leaflet racks (already in mk's place).
- Possibility to print leaflets in other languages on demand
Merchendise: We will sell t-shirts, hoodies, cups, etc. Please see FSFE's order page for more information about the available stuff.
- we need price tags.
- we need power supply, and network stuff
- Slogans for poster: "Freie Software, damit ihre Kinder etwas lernen können.", "Freie Software ihr gutes Recht", "Free Software, Free Society", "Freie Software: nicht nur technisch überlegen", "Freibier alleine ist auch keine Lösung.", ...
Booth Guidlines
No hacking at the booth: you want to use your computer to read e-mails, etc. please check that there is enough staff at the booth and take your computer somewhere else. Please, that is important. It looks very unfriendly to visitors if the booth crew does not show interest in things which happen outside their computer. There is a "Developer Room" for project's members only in hall 7.1c.
No luggage at the booth: please do not leave your luggage at the booth. This looks very messy. There will be the possibility to lock your luggage somewhere else.
Travelling in Berlin
On the BVG website you can check out the train/bus connections.
A city map is available on
Slogans we used
- Oder welche Freiheit wollen Sie?
- .doc = Daten ohne Chance
- Wir sind die Nutzer!
- Just GNU it!
- World Intellectual Wealth Organization
- Stellen Sie ihr Unternehmen auf freie Füße
- Zeit, Geld oder Leben
- Kaufen Sie Freie Software!
- Lizenzberatung
- Fairer Handel, Faire Software
- Softwarepatente != Innovation
- Die lebenslange Freiheitsfrage
- Sprache | Schrift | Software
- Software aus freien Stücken
- gibts auch in Kiwi-Grün, Petrol-Blau und Stracciatella
Category/Booth Category/Events