See also:
Reasons for public administration to use Free Software.
Public Deployment Of
Survey and Study: Open Source Software in the Public Sector
CSIS Open Source Policy survey
Wikipedia: OpenDocument adoption
2005-01-25: Vienne: Vienne to migrate to and GNU/Linux
2010-07-23: Linz - region for Free Software (German)
2011-07-04: Department of Justice's migration to OpenOffice a success
2001-10-18: Ministry of Justice uses FS-based eGovernment application for data warehousing
2006-07-23: Belgian government chooses OpenDocument
2008-10-01: Ministry of Justice: Half of all desktop PCs at ministry of Justice migrated to GNU/Linux
2009-10-06: The city of Schoten sets the example: How to be a good player in the free software community
2010-09-29: Belgian public administrations organise 4th ODF plugfest
2011-02-11: New beta versions of components for eID
2011-07-31: Open source tools enrich tool-set at Walloon employment agency
2005-04-20: The Bulgarian municipality of Vratza launched e-services based on free and open source software
Czech Republic
2009-06-12: Ministry funds open source document management system
2011-06-28: Czech environmental agency relying on open source and open standards
2012-04-18: Czech municipality uses FS for nearly everything
2009-04-22 Municipality uses OpenOffice and saves a million DKK per year
2009-09-00 Roedorve (DK) migration to OOffice (Slideshow about the migration)
all governmentally ordered software are released as Free Software and available on a governmental portal : /softwareborsen
Parliament resolution on Open Standards : B103 June 2nd 2006 : “Parliament imposes on the government the duty to ensure that the public sector's use of IT, including use of software, is based on open standards”
2009-10-14: Open source software in the Lyngby-Taarbaek Municipality
2011-07-01: Students to develop open source software for the Danish public sector
2011-08-09: Hospitals in Copenhagen drop MS Office
2012-02-27: Danish municipalities sharing development of website module across three content management systems
2012-03-14: Need for multiple document formats lead Danish ministry to LibreOffice
2008-05-29: Free Software in Estonia: a long-term policy
2010-08-30: Tallin city and college fund poll and referenda application
2010-09-28: EE: Government publishes open source policy and starts repository
2011-02-14: Ministry saves millions by using openoffice
Agriculture Ministry: "Le ministère de l'Agriculture fait un pas vers (GNU/)Linux"
National Assembly: "(GNU/)Linux s'installe dans les PC des députés"
Gendarmerie nationale (national police): La gendarmerie nationale passe à OpenOffice (update: Gendarmerie saves millions with open desktop and web applications
2010-06-17: Defence ministry : Defence ministry to test Open Source office tools
2010-08-27: Marseille city administration can't get rid of vendor lock-in
2010-11-22: Vendor independence helps save money at city of Arles
2011-02-10: Ruling cancels public procurement tender that excluded FS
2011-08-03: France and Tunisia to cooperate in Open Source Software
2011-10-13: Council of State clarifies right of local government to opt for open source
2011-11-17: Government procuring two million euro worth of FS support
2009-02-25: Government encourages open source use by public administrations
2010-12-02: Scientific study into migration proves value of FS
2011-01-28: City of Helsinki to start FS desktop pilot
There is a KBSt letter from 2000 about Free Software. There is also a list of Free Software projects in the German adminstration on KBSt's website Software/OSS-Kompetenzzentrum/Projektsammlung
- Federal administrations:
The Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik favours Free Software and pays for development. They also have a good explanation of Free Software
20090220: BMI invests in "open source" (German)
2010-10-29: Resource centre helps public administrations implement open source
2011-02-11: Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ditch open source desktop. Previous good news about it:a blog and another and an update from OSOR
- Local adminstrations:
Bremen: [ | school administration infrastructure]]
Munich (City): Declaration of Independence: The LiMux Project in Munich and Munich picks GNU/Linux
2011-06-28: Munich's move to a vendor independent desktop "on track"
2012-02-23 Success with OpenOffice migration (German)
Schwäbisch Hall (City): info in German and in English
Jever, 2004: migration from NT to UCS
Mannheim, 2005-12-05: Mannheim migrates to FRee Software (Does anybody know the status of this?)
Friesland (district), 2008-05-27: migration in German district Friesland on track
Wittmund (district), 2009:
Freiburg, 2011-01-28: OpenOffice three to four times cheaper
Freiburg, 2011-07-28 Office suite monoculture stymies interoperability
Gummersbach, 2011-09-28 FS desktops much easier to manage
2011-03-04: First migration of a Greek Public Organization to Free Software
2011-08-30: Scriptum open source application enhances the management of public sector services
2009-01-23: Government withdraws tender requesting proprietary software
2009-04-12: Government decides that spending on proprietary software cannot excede spending on free software this link is broken, many pages in the net still link to it. Does anybody have the original source?
2009-04-30: Procurement continues to puzzle open source companies
2009-09-16: Easier open source implementations for public administrations
2010-01-15: Open standards made mandatory for public administrations
2011-06-17: Government planning to use vendor-independent document format
2011-10-27: City of Miskolc to move to vendor-independent desktop
2012-01-04: Open document standards mandatory in Hungary government
Very cautious approach to FS, rather advocating OSS standards over the use of Free Software themselves. However, a very precise describtion of what OSS is an what it is suited to the Public sector.
2011-03-10: Computer Service Board switches to FS
2003-12-30 : Israel suspends acquisition of Microsoft software - waits for Open Source alternatives
2003-112-15 : Israel accelerates Free software migration
2010-0-10 : Minister of Improvement of Government Services, said that projects under his responsibility will go open source to improve transparency. (sorry for the google translate links, else it was in Hebrew...)
National Council for IT: "free software usage observatory"
South Tyrol public transport: "free software since 1993"
South Tyrol: "use of" and "and also GNU/Linux"
All Italian-speaking schools: "they all use project FUSS"
2007-12-18: Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance uses GNU/Linux for mission-critical apps
2008-01-15: Italian Court Selects Red Hat Solutions for Core IT Applications
2009-03-17: IT: Head of IT Venice region: 'Open source wherever appropriate'
2010-07-07: Bolzano region begins discussion on open source strategy
2010-09-23: Italian regional administrations republishing proprietary software as open source
2010-12-02: Considering the use of open source is mandatory in South Tyrol
2010-12-13: Puglia region makes open source and standards mandatory
2011-01-25: Emilia Romagna Region shares findings on open source usage in public administrations
2011-02-14: Updated law presses public administrations to share software
2011-04-19: Fabriano municipality's embracing Free Software
2011-07-27: Puglia region council to approve open source and standards law
2011-09-30: Free software and open technologies spur innovation in South Tyrol
2012-02-22: Italy instructs public administrations to consider using Free Software
2012-02-28: Province of Savona increasingly turning to FS
2012-07-13: Italy's Puglia region passes law on use of FS and open data
2012-07-19: Italian province of Trentino approves free software law
Ministry studying open source for government mail and groupware
2011-01-21: ODF acceptance mandatory
2011-01-26: Valmiera municipality values its vendor independence
2011-11-23: Valmiera city council 'saving energy and costs with FS'
2010-06-01: The Government of Malta asked all their agencies to prefer Free Software in all future purchases (PDF)
2010-10-28: Malta government starts consultation to increase use of FS
2010-12-02: Culture of open standards disseminated within Government
2011-02-28: Government starts open source portal
2011-09-20: Number of FS applications on government desktops doubled
The Netherlands Patent Office changes to open source software
impementing strategy by NOIV (netherlands) German news entry by
Open Standaarden en Open Source Software Ministerie van Economische Zaken
2007-12-13: Netherlands supports open standards and open source
2009-10-09: Dutch police installs Red Hat Enterprise Linux (via pro-linux German)
2011-04-01: Kerkrade wins the ‘Open call for tenders of the year’ award
2011-07-28: Half of all public administrations have open source strategy
2012-06-28: Procurement rules of municipalitiy of Rheden favour open standards and Free Software
2012-12-17: Large municipalities to share FS system for data distribution
2007-12-21: Open document standards to be obligatory for state information (implemented 2009-01-01)
2008-11-17: Norway encourages use of open source software
2009-07-02: New obligatory IT standards for the state sector adopted (See also FOR 2009-09-25 nr 1222: Forskrift om IT-standarder i offentlig forvaltning.)
2009-07-08: Media formats become obligatory open standards as well (via (German) and (polisch) )
2009-10-14: Friprog awards Kongsberg municipality
2010-11-24: All regions and nearly all municipalities now use FS
2008-05-08: General secretary of ministry of culture migrates to Thunderbird
2011-04-13: Open standards become prerequisite for government IT
2010-09-16: Romania to develop national open source IT policy
2011-02-28: Romanian government not against, nor in favour of open source
2011-05-24: Minister: 'Open source recommended wherever appropriate'
2011-08-15: Interoperability requirements force Ministry to block FS
2011-08-23: Doubts over validity of Romanian ministry's banning of FS
2009-03-02: Russian Government IT Development Strategy: Free and Open Source Software (en); (ru); (de)
2010-10-28: Russian government to invest in open source desktop
2010-12-27: Putin Orders Russian Move to GNU/Linux
The Spanish IT competence centre CENATIC has published a detailed report on the use of Free Software in the Spanish public administration. It has lots of example cases, as well as analysis of legal aspects and a look at strengths and weaknesses. Should make an interesting read.
LWN article on GNU/Linux in Spain (Debian news entry about the same subject)
OSOR: Zaragoza's move to complete open source desktop going to plan
2010-08-27: Andalusia government studying switch to FS desktop
2010-10-19 A Xunta humilla á comunidade de Software Libre : 5Mio EUR paid for Microsoft licences
2010-10-21: Public administrations in Axarquia moving to open source desktops
2010-10-28: Andalusia: 'Open source has helped save millions of Euro'
2011-01-25: Basque Government will make other institutions benefit from its successful Open Source experience
2011-02-24: Donostia-San Sebastián City Council installs open source document management system
2011-02-28: Zaragoza: 'Spain's public sector major driver open source desktop'
2011-04-18: Asturias region adopts FS technology for local government
2011-06-02: FS widely used by the regional government of Extremadura
2011-06-23: Open process and vendor independence dearest to public administrations
2011-07-06: Two surveys launched to collect indicators on Open Source in Spain
2011-09-09: Government of Castile-La Mancha to drive Free Software innovation within MORFEO community
2011-09-26: Provincial government grants financial support to free software companies association
2011-09-28: National Statistics Institute says 90 % of Spanish public authorities implement Free Software
2012-01-18: Cenatic: developing software in communities of public administrations
2012-07-20: Spain's Las Palmas' moves 1200 PCs to LibreOffice
The Swedish national Police is using free software and are talking about the benefits. They got some things right but are reffering to "open source".
The Swedish municipality Motala uses free software in schools and administration. There are several articles about it in swedish. Here is one example.
The Swedish municipality Eksjö is also using free software in schools. This article mentions both Motala and Eksjö (as well as the Swedish Military).
2008-09-25: ODF made national standard
2011-05-24: Framework agreement increases use of FS
2010-09-17: Application lock-in and protest from users halt open desktop
2011-01-26: Public spending cuts for cantons using or migrating to free software
2011-04-15: Free software to allow access to Confederation geoportal via mobile terminals
2011-06-27: Geneva abandoning its open source email and office strategy
2011-06-30: Swiss MP wants administrations to dispel misconceptions open source
2011-09-04: Swiss court is allowed to release OpenJustitia under GPLv3
National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology (UEKAE) develops its own GNU/Linux distribution PARDUS
United Kingdom
2010-01: Since January, United Kingdom has released a lot of public data, for use in applications any interested developper can imagine. Not only this is great news for all free society enthousiastics, but the platform itself makes a lot of use of Free Software. According to the presentation held by Prof Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton), the platform is based on Joomla and Mediawiki, and its data representation relies on Tim Berners Lee's open standard Linked Data.
2007-02-00: Birmingham libraries: "report of failure"
20090225: Government to actively and fairly consider open source solutions
2010-07-12: Idea of her Majesty’s Treasury: Switch to Free Software
2010-10-02: releases Open Source code
2011-02-11: 'UK government committed to open source'
2011-03-07: Opponents of open source criticise new procurement rules
2011-09-05: Government Commitment To Open Source Flounders
Other Resources
UK Government ICT Strategy resources
Out of Europe
South Africa
The Ministry of Information and Communications has issued an instruction on using open source software products at state agencies (via this article in German)
Municipality of Rosario: "Ordenanza Nº 7787 / 2004"
Brazilian Election Supreme Court migrates 430 thousand voting machines to GNU/Linux
2008-09-28: Brazil begins using the Open Document Format
Case studies on migrations of Brazilian public institutions (in Portuguese)
20090205: Canadian government eyes open source, asks for feedback Further information sources
(French) Migrations vers les logiciels libres
Study on the: Economic impact of open source software on innovation and the competitiveness of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector in the EU (Pro-Linux article about the study in German)
A study of the Fraunhofer institute documenting the advantages of "open source" software, Nov 2006 (German)
"Open Source" Observatory and Repository for European public administrations
Category/Advocacy Category/Activities