Election 2018
In April 2018 we are running the tenth and probably last annual vote for a Fellowship representative [1] to represent the FSFE community in the FSFE's general assembly. The General Assembly acts as a board of the FSFE and serves the Council with advisory.
- Candidate's self-nominations: January 22, 2018 - February 22, 2018
- Election campaign period: February 22, 2018 - April 22, 2018
- Election period: April 23, 2018 - May 07, 2018
In accordance with FSFE's constitution, two seats in the General Assembly are reserved for the Fellowship representatives. The winner of this election will be a Fellowship representative inside FSFE's General Assembly for a period of two years. The elected person shall represent FSFE's community and have an influence inside FSFE's highest decision level. A Fellowship representatives is a full member of the General Assembly, and have all the rights and obligations of other members. This election will replace Mirko Böhm's position as his two year period is ending.
The election is organised by Erik Albers in his role as the Fellowship coordinator.
Most important information in a nutshell:
Who can vote? All orderly Fellows who regularly pay their yearly or monthly Fellowship contribution (reference date is January 25, 2018)
Who can be elected? To be a candidate, you need to have been an active Fellow for at least a year before the election (so April 23th, 2017). This helps to make sure that the people elected into the GA are familiar with the organisation and its work.
Election Platform: All candidates should promote their candidature via the FSFE wiki and other media platforms if they like.
Voting System: For the voting process we will use the Schulze method, a popular voting system used by Debian, Wikimedia and others. It is a well tested method and has proven to be resistant to voting anomalies.
More information on the voting procedure can be found in FSFE`s constitution
For any further questions contact
Candidates 2018
Candidates will be ordered in alphabetical order of their first names once the list is closed.
Hustings with the candidates will be held and the date will be announced once the candidates are fixed and agree on a date.
[1] Please note, that we did change the name for members of our supporter program from Fellows to supporters and that the GA of the FSFE decided to drop the Fellowship seats. However, FSFE's constitution still needs to be updated accordingly with the next General Assembly. Until then the current version of the constitution is valid, that still talks about "Fellowship" and "election of Fellowship seats". Very probably, however, this will be the last elections of any "Fellowship seat" and membership to the GA will be granted by other means in the future.