In February 2015 we will have the seventh vote for the Fellowship representative. The election is organised by the Fellowship coordinator.
Election 2015
- Candidate's election period: November 20, 2014 - December 20, 2014
- Election campaign period: January 20, 2015 - February 20, 2015
- Election period: February 20, 2015 - March 6, 2015
The winner of the election will represent the Fellowship in FSFE's general assembly. She or he will substitute Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild.
Some basic information:
- Who can vote? All registered Fellows can vote.
- Who can be elected? To be a candidate, you need to have been an active Fellow for at least a year before the election (so 20th February 2014). This helps to make sure that the people elected into the GA are familiar with the organisation and its work.
- Election Platform: All candidates should use the wiki and/or blog as a promotion platform, so that it will be possible for their Fellow voters to know them. (You can also choose to make the wiki page only visible for other Fellows).
- Voting System: For the voting process we will use the Schulze method, a popular voting system used by Debian, Wikimedia and others. It is a well tested method and has proven to be resistant to voting anomalies.
More Information on the voting procedure can be found in FSFE`s constitution
For any further questions contact
(in alphabetical order)
Nicolas Dietrich
Hi fellows,
I'm a 33 years old software architect, situated in Berlin. I have a 2 year old daughter.
I work at Liquid Democracy e.V. on free online participation software, trying to bring the spirit of Free Software to political processes. I'm a Free Software enthusiast since I first heard of it in 1999; FSFE fellow since 2007.
Focus of my candidature is better coordination between free software projects, its users and its non-users. What is people preventing from using free software? The FSFE can play an important role in coordinating efforts for wider free software adoption!
You can read my agenda here:
Find me on Github:
- Talk to me on jabber or mail using nidi @ fellowship infrastructure.
Cheers, Nicolas
Max Mehl
Hi! I'm 24 years old and living in Konstanz, Germany, next to the Swiss border. I'm currently writing my final thesis in Politics and Administration, but make my living as an IT freelancer (website development, server administration and general support). In some weeks I'll go to Tanzania to work there as a volunteer IT teacher for six months. In my free time I'm head of the local scouts group and play guitar or pen&paper RPGs from time to time.
I started to get active in FSFE in 2011 as part of the translators team. Some months later I became a proud Fellow like you and in October 2013 I started my internship in FSFE's Berlin office for six months where I learned a lot about the organisation and the importance of Free Software in general. For FSFE I was or still am active in following projects:
IloveFS (campaign manager in 2014 and 2015)
Compulsory Routers case
Document Freedom Day 2014 (part of the core team)
- FSFE's Translators and Web teams
...and some other things. More on my FSFE team page
As a former intern and long-time volunteer I already know a lot about the organisation and the people behind it. With your vote
I plan to improve the transparency so future Fellows won't have to spend countless hours to get to know the staffers and the (fantastic!) things they do for FSFE and Free Software.
Furthermore I'd like to always be a connection between the concerns of both Fellows and FSFE's team because that's the only way we can push Free Software forward.
Another main interest is easing and organising the translators' work to improve FSFE's multilingualism.
If you want to know more about my motivation to become your Fellowship representative, please feel free to read my blog entry for this election.
Please visit my weblog, follow me on Twitter or just write me a mail for more insights.
Felix Stegerman
Hi! I'm FSFE's Deputy Coordinator Netherlands. I've been a Fellow since 2008.
I also volunteer at (Dutch digital rights organisation) Bits of Freedom's Privacy Café (CryptoParties).
I'm currently studying Computer Science & Cyber Security at Radboud University in the Netherlands.
I'm interested in Privacy, Security, Free Software, Freedom and (Digital) Civil Rights; as well as Mathematics, Computer Science and Software Development. I also enjoy teaching and speaking.
I'm highly motivated to do more for the FSFE. I'd like to:
continue the Dutch team's transborder activities with Fellows from Germany and Belgium;
be more active on team@;
and improve communication & cooperation with (Dutch) fellows, other organisations & communities, and the general public.
Being a Fellowship representative would provide me with a great opportunity to do this (and more).
For more information about my activities and my motivations for becoming a Fellowship representative, see my blog. You can also follow me on twitter. And if you'd like to get in touch with me, feel free to send me an email.
There's a little bit more information about myself and my candidature in this blog post.
See you @ FOSDEM!
- Felix