
Fellowship Events

< April 2018 >
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
17:00  Group Meeting Linz
10:00  15th Linux Session
 8  9  10  11  12  13  14
18:00  Fellowship Treffen Zurich
19:30  Group Meeting Berlin/Brandenburg
 15  16  17  18  19  20  21
19:00  Treffen der FSFE Gruppe Wien
Grazer LinuxTage
Linux InfoTag
Linux Presentation Day
 22  23  24  25  26  27  28
Foss North
Libre Graphics Meeting in Sevilla, Spain
17:00  Group Meeting Linz
Ubucon Europe
19:30  Group Meeting Berlin/Brandenburg
08:15  Poznańska Impreza Wolnego Oprogramowania
 29  30  1  2  3  4  5
Libre Graphics Meeting in Sevilla, Spain
Ubucon Europe
10:00  Booth at the Netzfest after re:publica
[Monthly] [Weekly] [Daily] [Simple] [List]

Organising Events

As a local FSFE group, please feel welcome to organise local events in your area, and to publicly declare your group as the organiser of these events. FSFE's core team and staff are happy to support you in any way they can, so don't hesitate to ask for any kind of help you need.

Periodical Free Software Events

To learn about periodical Free Software events visit this page.

Adding Events

If you would like to announce your FSFE event, please use the event registration tool. Your event will then be announced on and this Wiki.

Use this form to set up an event page in Events/2022/ for manual addition to the wiki.

Recent changes in the event format

If you have been setting up events in the past, please mind some slight changes in the format.

If you feel unsure, use the above form for starting an event page.

Events (last edited 2022-11-07 23:32:01 by jzarl)