
Rhein/Main - Report from Wednesday, 04. September, 2019

2019-09-04 17:00
Frankfurt am Main, Die Zentrale Coworking

Our regular meeting started at 5. pm at NOODLE BAD & MORE[0].

As Matthias Kirschner had announced his visit we had a get together and dinner before moving to the close by 'Die Zentrale' our regular place to meet. During dinner we have been ten people and at 'Die Zentrale' we had five additional guests which sums up to 15 people in total. Namely Christoph, Mark, Karthik, Benny, Guido, Thomas, Wolfgang, Michael, Veit, Matthias K., Doris, Juergen, Wolfgang H., Sven and one addtional guest.

We started with a short introduction round to bridge a gap of 15 Minutes before Matthias K. started with a short presentation.[1] After Matthias' talk and triggered by his talk started right into discussing several topics. We started with Intel predictable processing moving forward to Artificial Intelligence. In regards to AI we had a deep discussion about ethical questions and if Machine learning is good or bad. Matthias had several examples for framing by machines where machines take decisions in critical environments. The most discussed topics have been Sorbonne (Universite de Paris) where people questioned the algorithm that chose students allowed to study at several universities in France, machines filtering Curriculum Vitae and deciding who will be invited to the job interview. Another discussed example was software that rates prisoners fall back probability and influences cord decisions.

Afterwards we had a discussion about Public Money? Public Code![3] and how import this campaign is for Europe. Because Public Money? Public Code! is so important we had a discussion about possible activities that help SMEs in using Free and Open Source Software. We had a great discussion about possible options and immediately formed a group of active people to create a working group and prepare presentation materials. Afterwards we talked about 'Bits und Baeume' a conference taking place every year which aim is to bring together people with technical background with those in non-technical companies and private users. This concluded in a discussion about sustainability and issues people are facing with the current situation. We also discussed Dieselgate, Boing engine issues and Intel predictable processing, which puts the computers of millions of people at risk because of a design issue of the semiconductor and the competition in semiconductor business. We talked about 'Code is Law' and architectural design flaws where restrictions are created without overseeing all impacts this might have. One example was a straight ahead road blocking to force everyone to slow down and drive around without seeing that this will impact all cars including police, fire brigade and ambulance vehicles.

Short to the end of the evening Christoph talked about the next events announcing the 'Maustueroeffnertag' on 3rd of October, 2019 where the FraLUG will have about 50 children and parents. Everyone available to help should send a mail to maus SWIRLYTHING Additionally there will be a system-hackers meeting in Cologne on 10th and 11th of October, 2019 and the community meeting will be held in Bozen (Italy).

Matthias concluded our get together with information about REUSE and that the GNU! Kernel started to integrate REUSE[4] in there files. Around 9 p.m. most of the attendees left and we moved to another room with more comfortable seating options. Around 10.30 o'clock we left 'Die Zentrale' and went home.

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Events/Rhein-Main-2019-09-04_mk_in_rheinmain (last edited 2019-09-06 13:10:08 by doczkal)