Netherlands online get-together
- Start
- 2024-05-15 20:00 CEST
- End
- 22:00 CEST
- Location
- Description
Online get-together of Netherlands
NL: Onze online localgroup bijeenkomst. Deze is open voor iedereen en we schakelen naar het Engels als niet iedereen Nederlands begrijpt.
EN: Our online localgroup meeting. It is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch.
Other meetings on the wiki overview page: Events/Netherlands
Get-together 15 May 2024
- Nico
- André
- Sam
Agenda + minutes
Recent events
4-5 May 2024 Libreplanet
Upcoming events
18 May 2024 ⭐ WikiconNL and
- André will present about the FSFE
18 May 2024 NLLGG
21 May 2024 NLUUG voorjaarsbijeenkomst
- 1-2 June 2024 ⭐ T-Dose, Geldrop
- FSFE info booth
- Ada Zangemann book reading
6-7 June 2024 PublicSpaces conference Amsterdam
29 June 2024 Linux Presentation Day (from an international perspective )
FSFE updates
- A-Z movie fundraiser
- Will it be more involved? A narrator or multiple voices?
- DigiD source code part 2
- Mendel / Bugblue, will also present on requesting source code at T-DOSE conference.
- Banking apps
- Idea for wiki page with information per bank
- Nico will contact Florian about this.
- Payment required at Triodos for identifier Terms and conditions now include a provision that allows Triodos to ask for a payment for the identifier.
- Does this imply a future availability of the identifier?
- Belgium VDK bank, also a more ethical alternative
- When we have a list of criteria or questions we can ask banks for details or the community can provide it.
- Idea for wiki page with information per bank
- Ada Zangemann book translation: proof reading
- Looks like we can do a first reading at T-DOSE
- Scripts available to turn output into print and reading form
European elections
List of candidates that include the place they live
Upcoming debate in Amsterdam related to digital affairs
- We can announce presence
- Suggest a question or ask to ask a question
Old livestream has the audience asking questions same here
- Questions
Amsterdam souvereignty
- "Het gaat in Europa al jaren over digitale soevereiniteit, maar het lijkt maar niet concreet te worden. Amsterdam heeft onlangs nog een motie aangenomen die het wel concreet maakt door te vragen om vrije en open source software. Ze loopt samen met een aantal andere steden als Helsinki en Barcelona in Europa voorop als het gaat om digitale open soevereiniteit. Wat gaat u doen om ervoor te zorgen dat open source als voorwaarde wordt gesteld, zodat ook andere steden voor hun inwoners transparantie en onafhankelijkheid kunnen bereiken?"
Important ports for the elections
- Fedigov
- Ongoing effort by supporters and community at large to get organisations and people on Mastodon and make it a more prominent channel.
Attempt to get a inactive user more active
Post to ask an organisation to mention their Mastodon channel in their news letter
- Ongoing effort by supporters and community at large to get organisations and people on Mastodon and make it a more prominent channel.
- Formation
Possibility for contact at
- Other subjects
Schrems III developments (no recent publications. Older one )
- FOSDEM Janson track presentations
Odd how EU overlooked open source community, especially volunteers in drafting Cyber Resilience ACT (CRA). Impact study section 2 does cover open source market So they should have had some awareness.
- Good that we as FSFE have managed to change the act to better fit the practice of the free software community.