about:freedom - about:future
"about:freedom" iis a cluster of non-profit organisations and unions at the Chaos Communication Congress. Over the last years we have grown in size and now build the home for around 14 different organisations. What started as an informal gathering of political groups in the "Noisy Square" of the congresses in the former location in Hamburg grew into an official cluster of the yearly CCC in Leipzig. A cluster with a focus on digital (human) rights and Free Software advocacy.
In the time of climate change and the technological impact on it we invited about:future to join us at the last Chaos Communication Camp. about:future is a cluster with a focus on sustainability and social-ecological transformation.
Together we like to find out: "What role sustainability plays for stable tech communities?" as well as "What role digital sustainability plays in preserving our planet and can the digital society be peaceful, sustainable and free?".
Find more about our self-conceptions below.
Organisation & Communication
We have a core-organising team that is currently composed of Paula (FIFF), Bonnie (FSFE), Blipp (c3sus) and Erik (FSFE). If you would like to join the core-team, please get in contact with one of them.
We have a mailing list where everyone is welcome to join (It has not much traffic but is the main channel for everything related to organising about:freedom.)
We also work with pads for different organisational aspects.
Graphics and media
Thanks to the great work from Heini Jarvinen we have beautiful logos for you to download for about:freedom & about:future in red and green and black. You can use all colours, but please note that we decided to print stickers with about:freedom in red and about:future in green only. There is also a logo version created with the 36C3-generator.
about:freedom is a cluster with a focus on digital (human) rights and Free Software advocacy. We are a union of non-profit organisations who together form an open gallery, a patio surrounded by diverse political organisations from all over the planet that help empowering people in their self-determined handling of technology. Freedom, transparency, collaboration, privacy, autonomy, sustainability, decentralization, emancipation, diversity and equal access are the core defining principles of this orbit. We invite you to join us in our cosy cluster where we do things together and learn from each other, where we dream the dream of freedom!
about:future is a cluster with a focus on sustainability and social-ecological transformation. We are a union of initiatives and non-profits who advocate for political change and develop solutions for a sustainable and fair society. The core defining principles of our cluster are the realisation that the climate crisis we are facing is human-made, and that we need large-scale systemic change in our economies and societies to limit its impact as fast as possible.
Formalities to join
We have grown in the last CCC years but we are also open to new organisations joining us. On-site we usually provide space for individual infobooths/assemblies for all our members. Every organisation that wants to join has to be non-profit, accept the Contributor Covenant and focus their work on political change. It would be highly appreciated if you could also participate in the creation of our space with material, creativity, time, funds, food or similar.
2020: Preparing 37C3
We have had an a*f-meetup during the 36th Chaos Communication Congress to discuss future plans for our Cluster. One of the basic decisions that needs to be agreed on is the question of the location of about:freedom/about:future on the 37C3. There are to options: 1) stay in the CCL 2) go to Hall3. You find the minutes of the meeting in this pad.
It was also decided that we should have a regular exchange between the organisations. The next phone-dates for the planning of the 37C3 are on the following dates:
- Orga-call in March 17, 18:00 - one person per orga !
- Orga-call in June 23, 18:00 - one person per orga !
Orga-call in July 28, 08:00 pm, Invite link:
People needed for jobs (1 Person per job):
- Generally: Get in contact with other people, learn from best practices, figure out about regulations, etc. If we present a good and detailed concept as soon as possible to CCC-Orga, they are very willing to help to make good ideas happen.
The idea is to become specialists in those topics and realize them in coordination with the area coordinators and in collaboration with the other topic teams.
- Logistic-Team
- organize purchasing and transport for whatever teams need (sofa, wood)
- Light (installations)
- illumination of the entire area in close consultation with the area coordinators (cosy, for work, for the stage, etc)
- light installations together with deco-team
- CfP and stage program
- write call for participation for our stage program (→ think about a concept, ...)
- select which submissions to accept
- get in contact with speekers
- organize and cluster the schedule
- Finance
- the setup will include a lot of costs, (budget for a professional stage, possible suspension points, exhibition walls, sound system ...)
- think about ways of financing (crowd funding, finance applications at foundations, …)
- put them into practice
- manage budget
- Communication
- with CCC-Orga
- internally
- externally
- Decoration
- develop concepts in close consultation with the area coordinators and light coordinator
- put into practice
- Construction
- Build walls, stage, shelf, decoration elements, …..
- ensure that the requirements of the trade fair are met
- not essential, but very helpful for the planning of the spatial distribution
The following area need somebody to design a beautiful space. Please, also don't think of every area separately but more like a big picture. To build an awesome cluster you will need to work together and also be in contact with all the "Topic-People".
- Workshop area
- Working area
- Chill area 1
- Chill area 2
- Stage
If you want to take responsibility for any of those jobs, please write a short mail to the mailinglist: aboutfreedom(@) get in contact with: bonnie(@)