
Björn Schießle

Welcome to my Fellowship homepage! My name is Björn Schießle, I live in Schorndorf (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) and graduated in computer science at the University of Stuttgart. I'm a long-time GNU/Linux user and Free Software supporter. I organise regular Fellowship meetings in Stuttgart. Further I'm a a member of the european core team of Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and the coordinator of the German translation team.

I also love to participate in fairs and tradeshows for the FSFE. Most likely you can meet me at tradeshows in South Germany or at the Linuxtag in Berlin. From time to time I give talks about Free Software and related topics. You can find the slides of my previous talks at my personal homepage.

This year I candidate for a fellowship seat in the GA. Fellows can read more at my voting platform.


E-Mail: <schiessle AT fsfe DOT org>
Instant Messaging: <schiessle AT>
BeS on FreeNode ( on #fsfeurope and #fellowship-de)

Personal website:


GnuPG (for E-Mail)

You can download my public key from a keyserver or from this location.
My GnuPG key ID: 528052C4
My GnuPG fingerprint is: 40E1 B49B DADE 5802 C19A 2ADF 4EA6 9542 5280 52C4

Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) (for instant messaging)

Fingerprint: A720BD54 F4201B2D 45772FF0 A6C969F4 F708BB72