
Björn Schießle

Welcome to my Fellowship homepage! My name is Björn Schießle, I live in Schorndorf (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) and study computer science at the University of Stuttgart. I'm a long-time GNU/Linux user and Free Software supporter. I organise regular Fellowship meetings in Stuttgart. Further I'm a a member of the european core team of Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and the coordinator of the German translation team.

I also love to participate in fairs and tradeshows for the FSFE. Most likely you can meet me at tradeshows in South Germany or at the GNU/Linuxtag in Berlin. From time to time i give talks about Free Software and related topics. You can find the slides of my previous talks at my personal Homepage.


E-Mail: <schiessle AT fsfe DOT org>
Instant Messaging: <schiessle AT>
BeS on FreeNode ( on #fsfeurope and #fellowship-de)

Personal website:


GnuPG (for E-Mail)

You can download my public key from a keyserver or from this location.
My GnuPG key ID: 528052C4
My GnuPG fingerprint is: 40E1 B49B DADE 5802 C19A 2ADF 4EA6 9542 5280 52C4

Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) (for instant messaging)

Fingerprint: A720BD54 F4201B2D 45772FF0 A6C969F4 F708BB72