
Software Freedom Day 2009 Party

After last year's success (the Software Freedom Concert 2008) we, the Vienna Fellowship Group of the Free Software Foundation Europe, organised a Software Freedom Party 2009 to celebrate the Software Freedom Day in the hackerspace Metalab.at.

Free Snacks

Our announcement had promised free Ubuntu-CDs, free music and freedom-loving people, but acknowledged snacks would be (while free of charge) unfree. This sparked a huge discussion on the metalab mailing list: why should it not be possible to have free (as in speech) snacks?

So we came up with a GFDL-licensed recipe for popcorn. Clearly, that was the most popular snack all party long.

free-popcorn.ps free-popcorn.tex GNU_FDL.tex

Notably, the freedom to improve the recipe was deemed crucial, especially with respect to step 7.


an FSFE fellows' event Software Freedom Day freedom fighter you're never too young to be free unfree? me? to be free or not to be free one uses, one studies discussion free smile clarify the details convincing argument activist software freedom and the pursuit of happiness strong backing free culture

LocalGroups/Vienna/SoftwareFreedomDay09 (last edited 2016-04-30 19:21:03 by jzarl)