

5. Payment routines

The payment routines here can be implemented either as part of ams-front, or in a standalone website. There's no real dependency between them and the payment routines don't require any login. So I would almost suggest this to be a separate service.

The service should two URLs:

  1. /payonline/(.*)
  2. /donate/(.*)

The pages are exactly the same, and just aliases for each other. The optional value in (.*) is a payment reference. They should support the following parameters:

The logic should be wired up like this:

The way we will use the above is:

  1. When a new donor/supporter has selected how much they will pay, in ams-front, there will be a redirect to the above system, like
  2. When we send emails to people asking for donations, we will include a link like:
  3. When an existing supporter's credit card expires and they need to setup a new one, we'll mail them like this:
  4. When someone places an order for merchandise which they should pay, we will forward them to a link like:

The documentation for Concardis is here:

One version of code which create a form to submit to Concardis is here (for web orders): Another version (for supporter payments) is here:

Validation of payref

The payment references should have one of the following forms:

For FC, it can also be just FCnnnnnnnn, since the XX part is added later. For FD, the XX is an optional part.


1 - Integrate fsfe-cd with "fsfe-cd"

Current fsfe-cd implement its own SQLAlchemy mapping by mimicing what it sees in the database. There's a newer and more complete SQLAlchemy mapping for the same database which we have here: We would like to integrate these so they use the same mapping. The advantage would be that if we do, then the new has all the support which is needed to not only read but also change database fields, and knows what to do when some fields are changes (send email to inform about changes, etc).

So this milestone would be complete when fsfe-cd uses the from supporterdb instead of its own.

2 - Present settings in settings view

When this work is completed, someone can login to and see their current settings, address, etc, retrieved from the fellowship database. This requires implementing an API call from ams-front to http://fsfe-cd/api/fellows/ to get the information relevant, and fsfe-cd needs to be passed appropriate authentication parameters with it (taken from the User object of the logged in user, specifically the access code and id token).

The parameters which should be published and be able to be viewed in this pane include:

3 - Change settings in settings view

When work on this milestone is completed, it's possible to not only view the information in the settings page, but also change it. The same settings as those in milestone 2 should be changeable. This requires implementing a new view in fsfe-cd to handle changing data. When an API call to change information is received, the updates should be made (can be done directly, since at this point the integration of the new mapping from 1 is done).

4 - Account registration

When this milestone is complete, it's possible to sign up to make a one time or regular donation or create a new volunteer account via the website. The forms are largely there already. but the processes will look a bit different:

When a form is processed, it should call fsfe-cd with the data provided, and fsfe-cd should use the functions from the new to create the relevant objects.

When creating an account, it's vital to check if an account with that email already exists! If it does, the user should be given a notice about this and be asked to login using email. This doesn't apply to one time donors though; if an entry exist for one time donations, we should simply call the executable with the new information and the executable will deal with matching this to the existing account.


The mail sent when person.purpose = 'x' should contain a one-time login link to the website, with the message "to continue your registration, click here". The login link should be created the same way as when someone clicks to login with an email link on The link should direct the user to a page