
When this work is completed, someone can login to and see their current settings, address, etc, retrieved from the fellowship database. This requires implementing an API call from ams-front to http://fsfe-cd/api/fellows/ to get the information relevant, and fsfe-cd needs to be passed appropriate authentication parameters with it (taken from the User object of the logged in user, specifically the access code and id token).

The parameters which should be published and be able to be viewed in this pane include:

When work on this milestone is completed, it's possible to not only view the information in the settings page, but also change it. The same settings as those in milestone 2 should be changeable. This requires implementing a new view in fsfe-cd to handle changing data. When an API call to change information is received, the entire data object should be wrapped in a json structure and an executable called with this information on stdin. That executable is then responsible for actually doing the change in the database.

When this milestone is complete, it's possible to sign up to make a one time or regular donation or create a new volunteer account via the website. The flow for this needs to be mapped out a bit more in detail..